My alarm went off at 4.00am this morning, and I could hear everyone in the house already up and ready to go to their morning prayers at the mosque. I don’t know how anyone can get up at this time every morning and not be exhausted all day long, but at the same time, it’s almost the best part of the day as it’s quiet and the air is cool before the sun rises along with the onset of stifling humidity.
Our taxi arrived at 4.30am and it was time to say our goodbyes to Antar and his lovely parents. It has been fun to stay in and explore a new part of Jogja as I always seem to stay in the same central area around Jl. Marlioboro, so it was great to get to see Kotagede this time around. I felt sad to be leaving, but also looking forward to getting back to our own space, a hot shower and some clean clothes.
This time we caught a Citilink flight and arrived in Halim Airport in South Jakarta and this was my first time to see this airport and oh what bliss! It was clean, quiet, and only took 30 mins to get back home along the traffic free toll road, rather than the usual 1.5 or more hours to Soekarno Hatta Airport, depending on traffic.
I was so happy to see our new bookshelf has been finished and in the bedroom! This makes such a difference as I have been living out of boxes for so long as there has been nowhere to unload my belongings as Samudra’s toys take up every available space. You have to LOVE Indonesia when you can get a handmade bookshelf made (better than the example I gave of an Ikea bookshelf picture), in your own backyard, without having to go shopping and made to your own specifications. I think you could stay at home forever and never have to go without anything as whatever you can imagine can be delivered right to your doorstep. How amazing is that?
So it was a lazy day, looking after Samudra at home as he was crying a lot and very clingy with me, which makes me think he is still not feeling 100%. A day of staying indoors and no adventures is just what I felt like too and the hours flew by!
I hope you had a beautiful day wherever you are in the world too.

Day 61: Our new bookshelf! Happiness.