100 Days of Happiness – Day 56

Happy 8 Months today Samudra. I am loving your new two bottom teeth every time you smile – no more gummy smiles and belly laughs from our little angel!

Being a creature of habit, I couldn’t resist heading back to Bladok again for more chocolate pancakes and this time we ran into the chef there who I haven’t seen for almost two years, but he made himself at home, sitting at our table and he held Samudra while we ate.. and it was good to catch up again with another familiar face!

Putra headed off for more filming and it was too hot for us to follow, so I took Samudra up to the mall on Jl Marlioboro and discovered they have a HUGE Hero Supermarket on the ground floor. So we sat in a cafe and took advantage of the a/c and Samudra ate some yoghurt while he was busily flirting with a baby girl on the table next to us.  So adorable! It was then off to Bantul for us to meet Kiki at her uncle’s home where she will now be living.  It is so green and beautiful in the area with rice fields everywhere although the kampung is very quiet compared to where Kiki was living with her mum.  Kiki’s young cousin took Samudra and I for a walk around the kampung, through the winding streets and we met some very funny older ladies while all the local young kids stood around checking out the strange foreigners in their area. I am guessing they don’t get many visitors around there as they were incredibly excited and wouldn’t stop staring at the ‘bule‘ baby.

As I watched Kiki sitting on the floor with her aunty with the crazy mission ahead of shelling 300 quail eggs, I was reminded of the quail that used to live in a cage outside my bedroom window when I lived with Treen in 2013. I used to cry every night as the noise of it made me seriously feel INSANE and I didn’t sleep a wink for months, and had to resort to staying in hotels every now and then just so I could get some sleep.  Where on earth did these 3000 quail eggs come from and who could possibly stand to live near that many of those crazy birds?? They make noise all through the night with a one second break in between… I used to be in agony with the pitching sounds and Treen even paid someone to give the owners money to buy their birds, only to have the person return the birds the next day… so we HAD to all move out of the house to regain our sanity as our pleas to the neighbours fell upon deaf ears!

From Bantul we headed to Kotagede to stay in the guest house of one of Putra’s friends, Antar.  Kotagede is the old part of Jogja and is the home to many silver smiths and silver shops everywhere and I had only visited the area briefly once a few years ago and was happy to be staying somewhere new.  Antar took us out to an amazing vegetarian restaurant, Mila’s, for dinner where we sat in an open air bungalow and enjoyed the most delicious healthy and fresh food, all of which is grown organically by the owners and then used in the restaurant.

Overall it was a full and fun day and I hope you had a beautiful day wherever in the world you are too.

Day 56: Samudra meeting a very old lady in Bantul. Happiness.

Day 56: Local boys hanging out in the kampung in Bantul. Happiness.

Day 56: Shelling quail eggs to sell. Happiness.

Day 56: Caught in the afternoon sun. Happiness.

Day 56: Visiting Kiki and her relatives. Happiness.

Day 56: At Mila’s Vegetarian Restaurant. Happiness.