This morning was another early start for Samudra and I as we headed to the airport to fly back to Jogja to be with Putra and most importantly, to make sure that young Kiki is okay. It was raining as we reached the toll road and the taxi driver started speeding as the traffic was light for a change. I started to feel scared as I felt us picking up speed and had to yell at him to please slow down as I looked at the speedometer to see we were going more than 130km/hr in the rain!!! Add to the fact that I had Samudra wrapped tightly in my arms on my lap and had so many visions of all that could go wrong, but thankfully the driver slowed right down and we arrived at the airport in one piece.
Once again everyone was incredibly helpful as I tried to juggle carrying Samudra in my arms, and pull our luggage along and the one hour flight passed by smoothly with us having three seats to ourselves. We caught a taxi to meet Putra and checked into the Batik Hotel on Jl. Sosrowijian where Putra used to stay with his family when he was just a young kid, and it was a two minute walk to Jl. Marlioboro and a short becak ride to Kiki’s house, so a perfect location for us.
We met up with Kiki and she was so happy to see Samudra again and I felt so sad for her, having just lost her mum, so we took her out to Loving Hut for lunch but I’m not sure she was such a fan of vegetarian food. Ooops. I am so glad that Putra has been here looking out for her as she has been staying alone in the house and she is so young. Bless.
Putra headed back to Kiki’s place for filming in the evening after dinner so I took Samudra in the sling for a walk down Jl. Marlioboro. It was steaming hot even as the sun had already set for the night and I was covered in a film of sweat as we dodged the hundreds of people who also had the same idea to go for a night walk through the markets. I do love the atmosphere and people were so friendly and chatting to us and by the time I turned to walk back to the hotel after some browsing, Samudra was fast asleep in the baby sling.
I hope you all had a beautiful day too wherever in the world you are.

Day 54: Samudra making a new friend again on our visit to Maryani’s house. Happiness.

Day 54: So Aussie! Wishing he could open and drink that can of Milo! Happiness.