Last night we received some sad news from beautiful young Kiki in Jogja who I posted a photo of last week so it was a restless night and I didn’t manage to sleep until almost 3.00am and then was woken by Samudra so many times that I felt incredibly tired by the time I finally got out of bed in the morning. Putra left early to fly back to Jogja and Samudra and I will go and join him there tomorrow morning until the end of the week, so it’s going to be quiet again here as I won’t be bringing my computer along to be able to post updates. My biggest love goes to Kiki and I feel blessed to have had the chance to meet her amazing mother even if only briefly last week. May she rest in peace.
Samudra and I caught a taxi to Senayan City to meet Treen and Alonda for lunch at Kitchenette today and it my cheese and mushroom crepe and home-made lemonade was as delicious as ever. We didn’t stay too long as my little one was exhausted which was a great excuse for me to not go window shopping and be tempted by things I do not need! In saying that, Treen and I did make a quick detour to Ratu Plaza on the way home to buy some more dvd’s and so Treen could get some more new releases to give to our family when she goes back to Melbourne for a quick holiday next week..
I went for a quick walk with Samudra in the late afternoon sunshine and met some lovely people as always and it was a nice way to end an emotional day for me.
I hope you had a beautiful and peaceful day wherever in the world you are.

Day 53: Samudra and Alonda chilling out. Happiness.

Day 53: Meeting a new friend, Ryan at Kitchenette. Happiness.