Samudra’s temperature was up and down all morning so we decided to take him for his 8 month check up a week early, to make sure that everything is alright. It turns out he is just teething so feeling a little low and also has a bit of a head cold. I love going back to the Mother and Child Hospital on Jl. Ampera Raya and seeing all the beautiful tinsy tiny newborn babies being walked around in the foyer.. so much cuteness in one place! and it’s nice to be back there and actually be feeling healthy after having to stay in there far too often with complications while I was pregnant. Here’s to good health always!
I walked over to Putra’s apartment in Pejaten with Samudra in the sling via the crazy busy main road and almost got hit by so many crazy motorbikes on the way. They really do take up every single bit of space on and around the roads and leave no walking space at all, so thankfully we arrived in one piece to check out the new cupboards and dipped Samudra’s feet in the pool to cool down which he loved. He was splashing his feet around and had it been sunnier I would have tried to take him for a quick swim. I ate some dinner in the new cafe downstairs and then we went for a quick visit to Treen in her apartment and watched a spectacular lightning show from up high as the rain started pelting down yet again in the darkness.
Putra picked us up and took us home again and we watched the Texas Buyers Club on dvd which I LOVED! My first attempt at watching it the other day had me disinterested within 10 minutes, but this time I stuck with it and really enjoyed it! Another movie to recommend to you all..
I hope you had a beautiful day wherever in the world you are.

Day 51: Being above the traffic and not in it. Happiness.

Day 51: Samudra playing on the floor at the apartment. It’s available for renting again.. Anyone interested? Happiness.

Day 51: The view from the balcony at Gardenia Apartments, Pejaten. Happiness.

Day 51: Overcast but still steamy! I miss swimming in this pool with the fountains on. Happiness.