Today was a pretty chilled out day again, a nice lazy Sunday, as it should be when it is pouring raining outside. Putra and I FINALLY made it back to the gym again and it felt good to power along sweating on the treadmill while watching some hysterical tips on the local tv news about how to cope in the rain. Apparently women should wear thongs and keep their good shoes in plastic bags inside their waterproof bags, and also wear a short raincoat, while men are advised to wear gumboots, a raincoat and waterproof pants… Also you should dry your wet clothes with the hand dryer inside your office toilets, then drink a cup of tea! What the?
Seeing as the weather wasn’t great, I decided to make a quick trip into Kemang to check out dvd’s and decided to take Samudra and Daffa with me. Our taxi driver was laughing asking why I had one Indonesian baby and one foreign baby… do they have different bapak’s? I decided to just leave him pondering as usual, but we did receive so many strange stares as we entered the building in Kemang. We ended up buying some dvd’s, eating ice-cream and heading home again while Putra had the studio upstairs filled with people for a meeting.
I didn’t take the camera out today, just snapped a couple of pictures of Samudra on someone from the meetings vespa in the garage!
I hope you had a great day wherever in the world you are too.

Day 41: He only stopped jumping up and down in excitement on the vespa for 1 second for this photo. Happiness.