This morning we finally made it back to the BWA Playgroup after so long away and it was so quiet there until suddenly loads of mums and babies arrived at the last minute, in time for the song circle, and Samudra was not interested in joining in at all this morning.. bless! No ‘Insy Winsy Spider’ for this little one..
We ended up going for a spontaneous visit to the lovely Shweta’s house straight from playgroup, where I met another one of her gorgeous friends, Sarah, and her three lovely boys. Shweta made us the most DELICIOUS Indian meal of potatoes, lentils and rice which was such a good change from my serious addiction to tempe and tofu which I eat every day without fail. I am such a creature of habit with my food that it’s crazy!
I walked home from Shweta’s with the intention of taking photos but didn’t take any as I was just enjoying walking and singing to Samudra and trying not to get hit by cars on the side of the road as there’s no footpaths in the area. Every day I walk along Jl Ampera Raya to go to Jasons Supermarket I pass a lady at the little warung on the way who stops me for a chat and to pinch Samudra’s cheeks. Today she told me she has five children but she sits in her little booth on the side of the road 7 days a week and is always laughing and smiling, so I have no idea when she has the chance to be with her kids. She always makes me walk away feeling happy from her infectious laugh.
I spent the whole afternoon procrastinating from what I should have been doing, but managed to send in our video application to the Dominica Island Challenge… fingers crossed we have success! hahaha… 7 days of adventure on another tropical island with my little family would be pretty amazing. Wish us luck!
I hope you had a beautiful day wherever in the world you are too.

Day 30: Sarah’s son Leighton.. he has an identical twin! So much cuteness!!! Happiness.

Day 30: Shweta’s super gorgeous daughter, Mahi. Happiness.

Day 30: The forever laughing lady in her little road side warung on Jl Ampera Raya. Happiness.

Day 30: A little family portrait. Happiness.