100 Days of Happiness – Day 28

What a topsy turvy morning this was.. we slept until 7am and only woke as reception was giving us our wake-up call! It’s a miracle to have had a ‘sleep in’.. We quickly got dressed and rushed downstairs to settle our account and had just sat at the table to eat breakfast when we were told our taxi had arrived, so my french toast got wrapped in tissue and off we went… only to discover as we were approaching the airport that Putra had left his phone in the hotel room. My phone battery was just about to die and we only had enough cash on us to get to the airport and we were in a hurry to check in.  Putra had to go back to the hotel while Samudra and I checked us all in.. the Tiger Airways check-in girl took Samudra from my arms and showed him off to everyone and finally my heart slowed down and I knew we would all make it in time.

Reunited again, we passed through immigration, had enough time to buy some chocolate and Baileys to take back to Jakarta and off we went!  It was such a quick trip to Singapore and I was sad to be leaving it so quickly but happy to have had the chance to be there again with my lovely family.  I do feel blessed.

The rest of the day was spent sleeping, sorting photos, and playing with Samudra – a luxurious day of nothingness!

I hope you had a beautiful day wherever you are in the world too.

Day 28: Samudra’s Press Pass as a Baby Blogger! Happiness.