I didn’t get a chance a chance to update the blog last Sunday as I had to rush home from the final day of Indonesia Fashion Week again and look after Samudra and pack and get ready to head to the airport super early Monday morning.. looking after Samudra means that nothing else much gets done as he wants my full attention or he ends up in tears.. sweet boy!
I made it along to the Zalora presents ‘Digital Fashion Show’ which was fun as I met some new people and saw some old friends again and it’s always good to have some ‘me time’. I will post photos of the show later as I still have to sort through everything on my desktop when I have another spare minute. It was great to see so many people out enjoying the last day of the festival , to have had the chance to laugh with old friends, see what designers are up to these days and be surrounded by so much colour!
It was also fun to be on the back of an ojek speeding home again, and having the adrenaline rush of knowing you made it home in one piece after having a few run-ins into the back of other motorbikes on Jl Anstasari in the hideous traffic.. I forgot how much easier it is to get around in Jakarta on the back of an ojek, weaving over broken footpaths when the road is completely full and getting to your destination in a quarter of the time it takes to get anywhere by car. I don’t miss the wafts of poisonous black smoke coming out of the bajaj’s and old kopaja buses but I do miss the wind on my face and actually moving in traffic!
I hope you all had a fun day wherever you are in the world too.

Day 26: ‘Damn I Love Indonesia’ show at Indonesia Fashion Week. Happiness.

Day 26: I love his hair! Is he a designer?? Happiness.

Day 26: One of the lovely designers from TWYN… I LOVED the black and white pants in here! Happiness.

Day 26: Quick pose with Morris and the mannequins to end Fashion Week. Happiness.