I was awake so early yet again and instead of attempting to go back to sleep, I thought I’d make the most of the morning sunshine and take Samudra for a walk around the complex again. So many people stopped us to say hello and ask where we had come from and where were we were going again and making Samudra laugh and we met lots of gorgeous kids along the way too.
I ended up at Circle K to get a drink as it was super hot and I was dripping in sweat, and the sales girls let a long line of customers gather at the counter as they were distracted tickling Samudra and making him laugh. I was reminded of being told the other day about a family that has just relocated back to Melbourne from Jakarta, and their 6 year old son has been crying every day as no-one pays him any attention back there, whereas here everyone was always pinching his cheeks and talking to him, and he wants to come back here. Being a foreigner in Jakarta draws you loads of attention as you are in the minority big time, and having a baby seems to triple that attention. I remember living on Jalan Benda in Kemang and I would be working in my room and dying of thirst but not wanting to make the five minute walk to the shop for a drink because I knew it was going to have to involve stopping to say hello to so many people along the way, and I wasn’t used to such a lifestyle at that time. In Melbourne strangers look at you weirdly if you make eye contact with them, but here everyone is curious and wants to say hello. So I wonder if many expat kids have trouble adjusting back to life outside of Indonesia and becoming suddenly invisible, or are they happy to become anonymous? Either way, Indonesians are definately the friendliest people I have ever met.
As we were heading back home we passed an elderly bin man who looked to be struggling a little in the morning heat and I felt so sorry for him. I gave him my change from the shops so he could go and buy a drink and I have never seen someone so grateful. He got a tear in his eye and was so happy and sweet that I had to take his picture as he just looked so happy. I walked home feeling blessed for all the simple things that I take for granted on a daily basis and I hope that in that fleeting moment that we made someone else happy too.
After exercising at the gym, we returned home and I suddenly felt that the past six months of sleepless nights (plus all the pregnancy insomnia) all caught up with me at once and I couldn’t keep my eyes open! Although I don’t sleep well at night I have never been able to sleep in the day, but today I passed out for two whole hours with Samudra beside me and it was bliss! So being productive had to be put on hold for awhile but wow it felt great!
I hope you had a beautiful day too wherever in the world you are.

Day 15: Samudra wanted to hold this little boys arm and was so chatty with him. Happiness.

Day 15: The most grateful and happy man collecting cardboard and rubbish. Happiness.

Day 15: This little girl wanted to know where we lived and followed us tickling Samudra’s feet. Happiness.

Day 15: Construction workers going to work, Indonesian style. Happiness.

Day 15: Goodnight kisses from bapak. Happiness.