St Patrick’s Society Halloween Party

What a super fun way to start the Halloween celebrations! To be honest, I’ve never celebrated Halloween before in my life but after Samudra has been learning about it at school and seeing decorations out in the malls and supermarkets, he has been so excited to go trick or treating that it made me get into the spirit also.

We met up with a group of our gorgeous friends beforehand and all got dressed up in our costumes together, and the kids started early on eating their ‘treats’ before we packed them squealing into the cars and off we headed to BWA House in Pejaten.

The BWA House looked so gorgeous with all the spooky decorations everywhere, and the kids had such a great time running around together exploring.  There were fun activities in the different rooms for the kids to do and get stamps and collect prizes at the end… like pin the wart on the witches nose, apple dunking, magic show and more.. but what Samudra was most excited about was the big collection of dinosaurs in the toy room!

I loved being able to sit back, enjoy a glass of wine with good friends and watch the chaos around me as the kids ran around laughing and playing and hitting the pinata and almost getting trampled to pick up lollies from the floor!

We were so surprised and happy also to win a gorgeous IKEA kids drawing table and chairs in the raffle.. what an awesome prize and a great way to top off the evening.

Thanks so much to St Patrick’s Society and BWA House for organising such a great party for the kids (& adults!), for the goodie bags and a spooky fun start to Halloween..

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Trick or treat

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Getting ready to party together

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Little Monsters

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Devils ready to party

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The Happy Halloween gang

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BWA Halloween Party

Pumpkin from the carving competition

Pumpkin from the carving competition

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Time for the Magic Show

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So engrossed in watching the show

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My little pumpkin

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Scary phonebox… thanks for the great party!

4 Responses to “St Patrick’s Society Halloween Party”

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  1. Eszter Redmond says:

    So glad you enjoyed our event! Hope to see you again next year 🙂

  2. JDlines says:

    whopp whopp halloween party.. happy halloween