Dufan Dunia Fantasi Ancol

Earlier this year, we decided to have a staycation in Jakarta for the long weekend for a change of scenery from the home office and also for the fact that we love exploring!

We set off in the car not really having any plan of where to go, and randomly ended up staying at Novotel in Mangga Dua as we decided that it may be fun to spend a day visiting Ancol with Samudra, and Novotel was the closest location as all hotels inside the complex were already fully booked.

We were up bright and early the next day and made the short trip across to Ancol and headed straight to Dufan Dunia Fantasi. We arrived to incredibly long queues as half of Jakarta apparently had the same bright idea as us. I had a moment of wishing I could get back into the cool air conditioning in the car before Putra decided we should go inside and buy VIP tickets as there was no line at all.. brilliant! For a very reasonable extra charge you can purchase a VIP ticket, which gives access to a VIP room with air conditioning and couches to take a break and a little play area for toddlers. It also gives you access to the VIP line at all rides and as there were very few people in these lines, if at all any, it meant that we didn’t wait long at all to go on anything we chose, which I was extremely grateful for in the heat as everyone else was queuing for hours.

Unfortunately due to Samudra’s age we weren’t able to go inside many of the themed areas like the Ice Age Arctic Adventure, but we still had a great time walking around. Dunia Fantasi opened in 1985 and most areas look like they haven’t been updated since, and I think that’s what gives the place it’s charm. It looks like an old school theme park with lots of retro looking rides and it seems to be very popular with the locals.

My favourite ride was Istana Boneka (Doll Castle) with Samudra and I loved his enthusiasm pointing at all the (somewhat eerie) dolls as we slowly moved through the tunnel on our little boat for the 15 minute ride. The dolls inside were dressed in traditional costumes from all around the world and the settings were so bright and colourful. I had to laugh as we neared the end and finally we saw the sign for Australia, and there were no dolls at all! After seeing costumes from each country, it appears that Australia has no traditional dress, only a few kangaroos, sheep and a koala!

The boys went out on the paddle boats, we walked through Rumah Miring (the slanted house), rode the carousel, ate ice-creams and explored all the grounds before the heat got too much for us and we decided to leave in search of food.

It’s definately a funny place to visit, maybe more fun for slightly older kids, as there are more rides available for them to go on and they can go inside the Hello Kitty world and Ice Age Adventures areas.

I would recommend going outside of any long weekends if possible to avoid the queues, but otherwise definately purchase yourself a VIP ticket and go exploring!

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Greeted by a green frog

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I love this traditional carousel – Turannga Rangga

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Ice Age statues

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Bianglala ferris wheel

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Samudra’s favourite… dinosaur!

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Kora kora ride

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Hello penguins

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This ride looked like great fun

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Space bird ride

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Help me Samudra!

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Istana Boneka

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The crazy long line for the Istana Boneka boat ride

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Getting ready to go inside the tunnel in the boat

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Dolls in costumes from around the world

Dolls in costumes from around the world inside Istana Boneka

So much colour travelling through the waterways

Dolls in costumes from around the world inside Istana Boneka

Apparently Australia has no traditional dress.. just animals

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Paddle boats

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Riding the carousel

Saying Goodbye to Lovely Friends

On my birthday last year, we had a crazy busy day at work and I was desperate to get out of the office/house, so in the evening we decided to go for a quick bite and drink at Amigo’s in Kemang.  I’m not sure what made me choose that location as we rarely ever go there, but it seems it was meant to be.

We were sitting down eating when a lovely couple arrived in the restaurant with their gorgeous blonde boy who looked to be the same age as Samudra.  We got chatting and they said they recognised me from somewhere and it turns out they had found this blog while they were overseas deciding whether to move to Jakarta or not.  Somehow this blog had made them think that Jakarta wouldn’t be a bad place to live.. and from then a lovely friendship began.

Mat is the only man I have ever met that would enthusiastically organise play dates with groups of mums while his lovely wife Tanja was at the office… What a brave man!  We had some really fun catch ups and it was so great getting to know their little family for the past year.  As it goes for the life of expats, stays in each posting have expiry dates, and we were sad to say goodbye to them recently as the time they were here just flew by and there was so much more time I would have loved to spend with them.

So until the stars align and we cross paths again, here’s some photos for our dear friends Mat, Tanja and Sam. Thank you so much for coming into our lives and we miss your beautiful faces here in Jakarta.

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Sam in the water play area at Playground Kemang

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Sam braving the big slide

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Endless summer fun

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Playing in the small pool

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Where did Samudra’s dinosaur go?

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There’s the dinosaur!

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Samudra loving the fountains

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At a gorgeous little cafe in Kemang

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Playing a traditional Indonesian game

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What are you doing Sam?

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One last play date

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Super cute friends

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Playing with the wooden clock

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Playing together


My Baby Turned THREE!

I remember back three years ago, sitting in the bedroom alone with Samudra screaming uncontrollably yet again, myself in tears, and thinking those days would never pass.  Everyone kept saying that they grow so quickly, that time goes way too fast, and to enjoy every moment while they’re babies as it doesn’t last long…. at that time I didn’t believe a word they were saying.

Fast forward three years… THREE YEARS.. and I’m wondering where those years went, it definately went far too quickly and my baby is already a little boy and off to school (playgroup).  Packing his gym uniform on Thursdays and I wonder where my little helpless baby went, already he’s talking so much, having so much fun playing with all his friends, and having loads of adventures with me.

I wasn’t planning on having a party, but then when I found out his bestie Yaya would be in town from Bangkok, I decided we needed to have a celebration and a chance for Samudra to play with all his friends at home as I haven’t hosted any play dates all year due to a crazy work schedule.

Every late afternoon that I possibly can, I take Samudra out through the side complex gate and out into the kampung where he has hundreds of friends wanting to play with him. They run around like crazy laughing and if we’re there on time, we jump onto the kereta mini with all the other local kids and mums and go for a ride around the narrow kampung streets, singing Indonesian songs and having fun.  As it’s Samudra’s favourite thing to do, I asked whether the kereta mini could actually come inside our complex to drive Samudra’s friends around for his birthday, so all his little friends could have a real Indonesian kids experience… and I’m glad I did! It was so much fun, even if it was incredibly hot going around the complex in the middle of the day.

We decorated the house with balloons and Lego banners that I quickly drew up, the house filled with great friends and beautiful kids and we had such an awesome (if not hectic!) morning at home celebrating.  I feel so incredibly blessed to have met so many lovely people here in Jakarta, many of whom I have been friends with since our kids were babies, and I am so happy to have each and every one of them in my life. I also feel blessed for the new friends that I have the opportunity to meet through the simple fact that we are all parents in Jakarta trying to figure out life in this crazy city.

I want to say a huge thank you to everyone that came and celebrated, and to those that couldn’t make it, thanks for being a part of the journey with us.  Life is definately filled with craziness once kids come into the equation, the tears, tantrums, sleepless nights, but also the amazing gift of love and belly laughs and exploring the world together. I love it and wouldn’t change a thing.

Happy Birthday my gorgeous little Samudra. Thanks for making sure that life is never dull and for filling my heart with a love I never knew was possible.

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THANK YOU for all the gorgeous birthday gifts!!

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Escaping for some quiet and cozy time in the ball pit. Love these two together so much.

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Kaka Iren is the first little friend to arrive

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The house is starting to fill up and Putra is into the beers!

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Loading up the Kereta Mini at home

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Singing along to Cicak Cicak di Dinding.. Happiness

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Mumu and Yaya reunited at last


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Bowo filming us riding around

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Cuddles for his bestie

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The second round of kids loading up for the ride

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Delicious cakes by Dita and Lego decorations by me

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The specially made Lego birthday cake

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Happy Birthday our beautiful boy

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Anais playing with Duplo

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Everyone’s gone so playing with his new animals

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Kaka Qheylla and Samudra whizzing around the loungeroom on a new bike in the evening

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Our attempt at a group photo!

AIS Family Fun Day

It’s Monday again and what a fun weekend we had catching up with friends, going to the zoo, getting spontaneous tattoos, celebrating the birthday of a super lovely friend and hanging out at AIS Family Fun Day.  After a lovely early afternoon eating cakes and hanging out with good friends, we packed the car full of kids and set off on the short journey to AIS.

This year marks the 20th Anniversary of the Australian School in Jakarta and the school grounds in Kemang were full of people celebrating and hanging out together.  After the massive storm and flooding the night before, I wasn’t sure it would still go ahead, but as usual, the sun came out and dried the ground and it ended up being a perfect afternoon chilling out.

The outdoor corridor was lined with stalls selling gorgeous homewares, kids books and knick knacks, delicious food, kids activities and more.  Due to the crowds I didn’t get the chance to look all around the school or even visit the play equipment, but instead we parked ourselves on a nice part of the grass area and enjoyed a few glass of wine and snacks while watching all the super talented kids performing up on stage.  A little slice of Australia in Jakarta, having a picnic on the lawn, is such a rare treat and such a beautiful way to spend the day.

It was lovely to see so many familiar faces and I’m so glad we stayed until the end this year to watch the fireworks! Samudra loved it!

I’m already looking forward to going again next year!

Happy 20th Anniversary AIS.

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Happy Birthday to the gorgeous Shweta

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Kids having a fun time hanging out together

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Our car was packed with kids!


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Picnic on the grounds at AIS

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The students doing traditional dancing on stage

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Super cute little besties

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I love these two together. The gorgeous Anais and Arlo.. has a nice ring to it too!

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Hanging with my favourite boy

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Gorgeous Jill and Anais

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Singing Michael Jackson up on stage. Loved this kid!

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Young boys enjoying the performance

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Such a fun day


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Beautiful Simone and Arlo. Happy 7 Years in Jakarta!

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Getting ready for a tug of war

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Now for the next round!

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Finishing up with beautiful fireworks

Love Dinosaurs?

Until recently, I had only visited Taman Mini once or twice before in the six years I have been living here.  Once was to go to a Family Gathering with Samudra’s nenek for her work at Snow Bay water park when Samudra was still a little baby, and the other time was pre Samudra to have a very quick look around.  I thought it was just a mini Indonesia with housing from each of the provinces that would take hours to walk around so never really looked around properly.

That was before Samudra and I joined our friends for the play date at Dunia Inline Skating.  What was intended as a quick catch up in the morning for some skating fun, ended with us spending almost a whole day at Taman Mini exploring and we all had so much fun!  We deliberated about whether to go to the Bird Park or somewhere else but I had just heard there was a new Dino Park and wanted to take Samudra, and then everyone decided it would be a good idea to go together.

After eating our lunch we headed to Taman Legenda and were greeted out the front by a big dinosaur which some of the kids were scared of which was fair enough… all they could see was those big scary teeth and not the guys legs in clear view infront of the Dino costume.. but Samudra was so happy to see a DINO!!

After some confusion about the cost and wristbands to enter the park which contained the Dino Park, we made our way inside and it was so awesome!  The whole park is very new and the gardens around the Dino section are like a big jungle, with mechanical dinosaurs scattered around, roaring and swaying.  Again they were a little scary for some of the kids and they do look very life like, but if you have a little dino fanatic they will love this place.  At the end of the path there is a sandpit where kids can dig for dino bones, or choose to run around the path again.

We loved it so much that Putra and I took Samudra back again last weekend and then went exploring around the whole park as during our play date we had to leave because the skies opened up with heavy rain cutting our play date short.

Inside the park that contains the Dino area, there is a huge ferris wheel, lots of space to run around, a small animal enclosure where you can pay Rp. 10,000 to feed some rabbits or goats.  There is also a carousel, a couple of other rides and best of all… a little waterpark! This is a great way to cool off after skating, or exploring Taman Mini and because it is new, it is still clean and lovely!  The whole park is still being finished but it’s another great way to spend some time with the little ones for something different and outdoors.

Happy Exploring!

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Arriving at Taman Legenda

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Samudra got so excited seeing this sign!

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Quick! run before the Dino soaks you…

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Checking the dinosaurs with Azzam

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Wow Samudra look over there!

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Such a fun little jungle to explore

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Some of these were a little too realistic and scary for some kids

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Such a beautiful setting in this park

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Look what’s hatching!

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Digging up dinosaur bones

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Feeding the baby bunnies

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…and the big ram

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Samudra cruising around on the bike with bapak

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Making new friends in the restaurant

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Cooling off in the waterpark

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Such a great spot to hang out on the weekend

Get Your Skates On!

Lately I’ve been feeling uninspired and stuck as to what to do with Samudra in our limited spare time together as we always seem to end up doing the same things every chance we can, and I really like to be able to mix things up a little whenever we can.  As much as I enjoy going to the mall every now and then and taking Samudra to the indoor play centres inside, it inevitably ends up with me returning home with bags of goods I don’t really NEED and or necessarily WANT, but in the moment that I see them beneath the shiny mall lights, I feel I MUST have them in that moment to somehow make my life complete!  I love taking Samudra to Playground Kemang and doing as many outdoor activities as possible to let him run wild, and that’s why I loved our play date catch up at Dunia Inline Skate so much.

We met up for a weekend play date and it just so happened there were literally hundreds of little school marching bands holding a competition on the same day.  We weaved our way through a sea of colourful costumes, drums and xylophones, screaming and laughter and finally made it up to the red shipping container which is the counter for Inline Skating.  Samudra insisted on bringing his little blue fold up bike which he incidentally received for his birthday from the awesome owners of Dunia Inline Skate Park, Tommy & Fithri, and proceeded to push his way around the skate track despite the bike being way too small for him these days.

The kids had so much fun running, pushing bikes, riding scooters, and learning to skate around the track and we ended up spending hours there which was so lovely.  Even the brave mumma’s put on some skates and learnt to skate in the blazing sunshine.  Treen and I both had roller skates when we were little which we used to roll around the verandah on at home and up and down our long dark hallway, and then I bought a pair of roller blades which I wore around the streets of London with my flatmates, but haven’t put wheels to my feet in the many years since.  I think I have too much fear in me now that I’m that much older and will break my bones if I fall, but it looks so fun!  Maybe I’ll be braver next time!

There are skates for hire at the track, or you can bring your own, or even buy your own in the shop, and book yourself in for a lesson with the awesome and super friendly instructors.  And once the little ones have tired of going around the track, there’s grass inside the track to kick a ball around in or just run around and have fun in.

Thanks Tommy, Fithri and Azzam for having us all!

The kids certainly had a great time together and we had a lot of laughs before exploring Taman Mini further..but more on that adventure later!

Check out the skate park at :
Dunia Inline Skate Berlokasi di Kompleks Keong Emas Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, Jakarta Timur
(Located very close to Gate 3 TMII)
Phone :  021.9025.7282 / 0858.1331.6534
Opening hours :  Tuesday – Saturday 10:00 am – 18:00pm Sunday 06:00 am – 18:00pm Monday : Closed
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Samudra so happy to finally have somewhere outdoors to ride his now tiny bike


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Samudra and Azzam doing laps

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Kicking the ball around

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Back to more laps again.. I have never seen Samudra so active!

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Great friends and an awesome fun play date!

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Kat putting on roller blades for the first time

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…and loving it! and mastering it after 1 lap!

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Kicking the ball with kaka Kayla

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Crazy kids

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The lovely Fithri & super sporty Azzam

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Everyone doing laps of the track

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Cheryl & Rangga looking so sweet going around

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Thanks for a great time!

Loving Kidspace in Pondok Indah

Somehow half the year has already passed by and due to work commitments and most kids already going to preschool, both Samudra and I have been missing our regular catch ups with the Yummy Mummies.  Last month I finally had a day off so we arranged to meet at Kidspace in Pondok Indah for somewhere new and loved it!

What a great space this is with so much to keep the kids entertained with all the different areas to play in and explore.  There is a Tot Spot for little ones from 6-18 months, and the other play spaces are for kids ranging from 1 to 12 years old.  The Aquadium is a water play area which was a hit with the little ones, and after completely saturating themselves, they ran off to explore the rest of the building, digging in the Sandium, climbing up the Paperclip Climber, and building with the huge Imagination blocks.  There was duplo and telephones to play with, equipment to climb over and slide down and the obligatory ball pit found in every indoor play centre in Jakarta.

The only negative for Kidspace was there was nothing in the little cafe that Samudra could eat with his super fussy tastes, so I know to bring our own snacks for our next visit.

It was so lovely to finally see some mummies again and to see how much the kids have grown in the past few months and Samudra had a great time catching up with old friends and meeting new little ones too.

I’m looking forward to hopefully finding more time for play dates in the next few months and will definately have Kidspace on the list as a place to go back to.

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Samudra and Layla were inseparable for their first time playing together

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The Paperclip climber for kids 3-12 years old

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Always fun in the ball pit for the little ones

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Samudra getting busy with the big blue blocks

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Samudra and I had fun playing with the Imagination Blocks making him a magic machine

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Thanks for running around and playing with Samudra all morning

A trip to Karawang, Bekasi

One of the greatest things about our line of work is that we get to travel around and see some pretty amazing places and meet so many beautiful and very humble people.

Late last year, Putra was shooting for Samsung Note 5, so Samudra and I went on an adventure to visit him on location and had to travel almost three hours out of Jakarta to Karawang, Bekasi in West Java.  The further away we got from Jakarta, the greener and more luscious the scenery grew and once we reached Karawang we were so happy to to pass by and see kids jumping into the river splashing around while rice fields provided the perfect backdrop as the sun rose, and it all looked so magical in the soft morning light.

By the time we arrived at the set, the sun was high in the sky and it was sweltering hot.  Samudra was a little restless after being in the car for hours and was therefore a bit too noisy to be near where Putra was shooting, so I decided to take him for a walk through the rice paddies to look at the temples.  We cut through the fields and were then stopped while passing a small warung being asked to have our photos taken and chat with the family who lived at the house behind the warung.  We ended up sitting in the shade of their house while more local kids arrived and they all had fun playing around and singing with Samudra.  After an hour or so, we went to leave and were met by a group of school kids on a field trip to see Candi Blandongan.  This resulted in a large group of kids holding their cameras up wanting to take pics and have selfies with his, which got a little too overwhelming for Samudra, although he loved playing with them and running along the path to the temple with them, stopping to watch frogs and fish in water in the rice paddies beside us.

Next thing you know, there was a group of local little kids following us around and leading Samudra around laughing and having a great time.  Samudra was so happy for the company and giggled non stop all morning.  It never ceases to amaze me how happy and friendly the young kids here are, and they were so sweet, carrying him around and helping him up and down the stairs to the temples.

Once we had finished exploring and headed back to where Putra was, there were no less than 20 kids following us wanting to play with Samudra and the sound of their laughter and singing was too loud so yet again we had to walk away so we wouldn’t be disturbing the shoot day.  We ended up going with the kids back to their kampung and meeting almost everyone who lived there along the way as they came to see what all the racket was about.  It was such a funny afternoon, being invited into family homes where I really struggled to understand what people were saying to us, but we laughed a lot together trying to understand each other, while the kids ran around in the dusty kampung squealing and chasing ducks and chickens around with Samudra, while eating rainbow ice drinks and icy-poles.

The little kids then led us to the next kampung along the narrow paths, through the rice fields, and there we met a whole new village full of people.  I couldn’t believe the amount of young kids there were in these kampungs and there were barely any men around during the day as they were all out working elsewhere.  The kampungs were full of women sitting at their doorsteps laughing with their neighbours and kids, and the all appeared so care free and relaxed.

After many belly laughs and cheeks hurting from smiling so much, we walked back across to the Buddhist Temple, Candi Blandongan, which looked mystical in the early evening light with fire torches set around it for the last scenes of the shoot.  Putra had arranged for fire twirling for the evening but we missed seeing this as Samudra was too tired after a long and full day of running around and constant attention.

I wished I had been able to understand the locals better so I could learn more about the area and temples scattered around, but instead we went home with a head full of amazing memories from all the kids and people we met who welcomed us into their villages and homes, and who made the day incredibly special for us.

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Samudra taking his dinosaur for a walk through the rice fields

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Being carried around in the warung

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Playing with Dino at the warung

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School kids on a field trip to the temples

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Samudra playing with some local kids

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Visiting the temple

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A wider view of the temple

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Paparazzi kids

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Samudra cracking himself up

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Being dragged around in a box

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Let’s check out Youtube!

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Young girls playing elastics

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Samudra making it a little difficult for the girls to jump over the elastic

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Being cheeky

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Visiting the kampung with with the kids

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A few of the kids following us everywhere for the day

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Playing around in the rice paddies

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Here comes the kampung tailor

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Rainbow ice lollies to cool down with

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Ice, condensed milk and food colouring.. Sweet, cool treats for the kids

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Saying goodbye to another lovely family

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More lovely happy faces

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Boys in the afternoon sun

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Taking Samudra for another walk

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Boys carrying Samudra to the temple

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Time out with bapak

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Heading to the temple for the evening shoot

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At the second temple where the shoot was held

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Boys having fun

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Throwing stones into the water

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A very shy and sweet food seller

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More super friendly locals

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Preparing for the evening shoot

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Arriving to prepare for their fire twirling

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Chilling out in the hotel bed after a fun and exhausting day

Gojek Winner Announced….

It has already been a week since the announcement was made, but I wanted to make a quick (albeit late) post about our experience at this fun event.

Putra and I picked up Pak Fuad and his wife from their home on the night of the awards, and they were grinning from ear to ear with excitement and nerves to be attending the event with us.  It was really so sweet and again I wish that I was fluent in Bahasa to be able to ‘basa basi’ with them as we battled through the traffic for over three hours, with palms sweating and a head full of ‘what ifs’… but hoping we would be returning with some good news at the end of the night.

After a slight panic that we would be late after the road was blocked by police so we were unable to make a u-turn to reach our destination and had to keep driving in frustrating traffic moving at a snails pace, we finally made it right on the starting time noted on our invitation.  Ah, when will I ever learn to really relax and learn to be late and live by the Indonesian jam karet (rubber time)?.  After six years here, I am rarely ever late to anything, arriving right on time (because I leave HOURS beforehand to calm my anxiety of being late), which means I am nearly always left waiting for hours before events actually start.. Everyone else seems to know the right time to arrive, with no sense of panic… I am still yet to learn how this system works.

So we ate some delicious food, and listened to some great tunes by a gorgeous female DJ while waiting over an hour to enter inside the auditorium.  As we finally sat down to listen to the opening speeches, my heart started racing as they showed our film Arang & Asa as a nominee for the Viewer’s Choice Award and then…. yah! The winner was announced….. Gelombang Kehidupan from Tara Arts Movie.  I really liked this movie as the Actor was very powerful in making me want to cry and feel sorry for his situation.  Then moving quickly along to the Best Director category and again our film was a nominee and the winner was announced… Delivering Happiness!  What an epic film this was.. so many people involved and a great movie where the Gojek driver doesn’t even realise he is the hero of the day.

As they came out to announce the final award, I thought to myself… we can’t go home without seeing our film on the big screen… we’re going to see it.. we’re going to see it….. and our film was shown in the nominees.. and then they read out the winner of the Best Video…. ARANG & ASA!!!!! whoooooop whoooop! WE WON!!! Out of 600 entries throughout Indonesia our video was chosen.. what an absolute honour.

I just want to say the biggest thanks ever to our incredible team at Anatman Pictures for making this film as it very nearly didn’t happen as we were running out of time.  To my incredibly talented husband who shot yet another beautifully executed film… he will never cease to amaze me… To the awesome team at AlbumRupa for casting Putra’s favourite talents and extras, and getting the incredible Pak Fuad to take part in our film and to him for being so amazing during shooting in the extreme heat and storms in Jakarta.  To absolutely everyone involved who believed in us enough to dedicate their time to helping us make this happen.  To everyone who showed us support and gave us beautiful words of encouragement after we posted the film online after a mad rush to get it finished by the submission deadline.  Finally, the biggest THANK YOU to Gojek, not only for the award, but for the services you have provided to make all our lives easier here in Jakarta and to your drivers who do an incredible job of delivering amazing services while battling the traffic, pollution and chaos of Jakarta.

THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts.

Photos courtesy of Grandyos Zafna Manase Mesah… thanks so much Grandy!

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Welcome to Go-Video Awards

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Arang & Asa was nominated for all three categories in the night

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and the winner is Arang & Asa! So excited!

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All 3 Winners up on stage.. Congratulations everyone!

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Thank you Pak Fuad for bringing your magic to Arang & Asa



Gojek Go-Video 2016 – Arang & Asa

It’s so tricky for me to even contemplate regularly updating this blog as my days are filled with meetings and being on location on shoot days, and every spare minute I have is taken up with having adventures with Samudra.  This leaves very little time for updating about what we’ve been up to, and much less I am too tired to lug around the big heavy camera these days.  So I have millions of phone photos on my laptop, some now over a year old, waiting to be shared but time goes so quickly that most will never see the light of day!

So I have decided to share some behind the scenes photos on one of our favourite shoots, so you can get a glimpse of what we get up to every day away from the play dates and malls and parks.

There’s no way you can miss all those green helmets and jackets out on the streets these days, they seem to be everywhere, and Samudra proudly points out every time we are out and about “Gojek mumma! Gojek!”…. Once upon a time I wouldn’t have dreamed of using their service as I had my regular ojek drivers all over Jakarta, but once I finally used their service, I was hooked! Gojek have expanded rapidly and they are here to make life so much easier for those of us living in the highly traffic congested city of Jakarta.  You can get a ride on a motorbike to anywhere you want, have your groceries or other shopping picked up for you (Go-Mart), order a massage to your home (Go-Massage), a cleaning service (Go-Clean), have your makeup done for a special event and much more, all at the press of a button.  They have saved me many times when I have run out of milk for Samudra and they have delivered come rain, hail or shine and now I can’t remember what Jakarta was like without them as I use them so regularly.  So we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to make a video for them for their Go-Video competition 2016, and we are eternally grateful for all the support from everyone involved and are proud to announce we have made it into the top 20 films, with the overall winner to be announced on May 11.  Winning or losing doesn’t matter to us, what matters is that everyone involved so happily offered their services to be a part of the film and it was fun making it.

After a walk through our neighbourhood kampungs as is usual for me and Samudra as he has so many friends there and we both love the energy in the areas, we came across an adorable marching band practising for a competition in Ancol (they subsquently came in first place!).  I knew we had to change the original storyline to somehow include these kids as they brought tears to my eyes when I watched them proudly parading around swinging flags and banging on their drums.  On shoot day when they arrived wearing their costumes I melted as it was one of the sweetest sights I have seen here in a long time.  Everyone involved made an amazing effort although it was pouring raining on and off throughout the whole shoot, which was funny considering our Art Department had built a rain maker for effect in our night scene, but perhaps the skies were blessing us so we wouldn’t need to use it?

It was a great a smooth two days shooting and again I personally thank everyone for giving their time to make this film a reality.  A huge thank you to all the talent in the film, especially the incredible, humble, and very patient Pak Fuad who had to battle all the elements of the skies during shoot days, and always with a huge grin on his face.

You can view the final film at www.anatmanpictures.com


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Finding magic in the kampung

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Marching band practising

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Gorgeous little drummers

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Our Art Director messing around with the boom mic cover

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Shooting the opening scenes

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Early morning on set

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The lovely Pak Fuad

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Priti doing make-up in the rain

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Sheltering Qheyla from the rain

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Sweet little drummer girl

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Beautiful colours

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Samudra so happy with his dearest kaka Qheyla

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Hoping the rain will hold off to finish the shoot

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and action!

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Qheyla joins the band

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Samudra with his friends

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Everyone came out to see the action

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Last shots for the kids

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..and it’s a wrap! Home to play together