Saying Goodbye to Lovely Friends

On my birthday last year, we had a crazy busy day at work and I was desperate to get out of the office/house, so in the evening we decided to go for a quick bite and drink at Amigo’s in Kemang.  I’m not sure what made me choose that location as we rarely ever go there, but it seems it was meant to be.

We were sitting down eating when a lovely couple arrived in the restaurant with their gorgeous blonde boy who looked to be the same age as Samudra.  We got chatting and they said they recognised me from somewhere and it turns out they had found this blog while they were overseas deciding whether to move to Jakarta or not.  Somehow this blog had made them think that Jakarta wouldn’t be a bad place to live.. and from then a lovely friendship began.

Mat is the only man I have ever met that would enthusiastically organise play dates with groups of mums while his lovely wife Tanja was at the office… What a brave man!  We had some really fun catch ups and it was so great getting to know their little family for the past year.  As it goes for the life of expats, stays in each posting have expiry dates, and we were sad to say goodbye to them recently as the time they were here just flew by and there was so much more time I would have loved to spend with them.

So until the stars align and we cross paths again, here’s some photos for our dear friends Mat, Tanja and Sam. Thank you so much for coming into our lives and we miss your beautiful faces here in Jakarta.

We Love Jakarta_Playground Kemang_Tasha May

Sam in the water play area at Playground Kemang

We Love Jakarta_Playground Kemang_Tasha May

Sam braving the big slide

We Love Jakarta_Playground Kemang_Tasha May

Endless summer fun

We Love Jakarta_Playground Kemang_Tasha May

Playing in the small pool

We Love Jakarta_Playground Kemang_Tasha May

Where did Samudra’s dinosaur go?

We Love Jakarta_Playground Kemang_Tasha May

There’s the dinosaur!

We Love Jakarta_Playground Kemang_Tasha May

Samudra loving the fountains

We Love Jakarta_Playground Kemang_Tasha May

At a gorgeous little cafe in Kemang

We Love Jakarta_Playground Kemang_Tasha May

Playing a traditional Indonesian game

We Love Jakarta_Playground Kemang_Tasha May

What are you doing Sam?

We Love Jakarta_Playground Kemang_Tasha May

We Love Jakarta_Playground Kemang_Tasha May

One last play date

We Love Jakarta_Playground Kemang_Tasha May

Super cute friends

We Love Jakarta_Playground Kemang_Tasha May

Playing with the wooden clock

We Love Jakarta_Playground Kemang_Tasha May

Playing together