I love festivals in Indonesia and the past two weeks have been filled with celebrations throughout the city which has made for some great people watching, lots of laughs and a great dose of Indonesian culture! Last weekend was the Kemang Street Festival and Jl. Kemang Raya was blocked from car and motorbike traffic and replaced with human traffic in ridiculous heat as thousands of people wandered the streets to enjoy the day… Thank you for another amazing day Jakarta, I could never tire of you!

Palang Pintu (Poem Fighting) on stage... I love the idea of having a poem fight and if you win you can marry your fiance!

I want this on a tshirt - Jaga Jarak! Lucuuuuuuuu!

Colourful cute little pens...

I think this pink teddy has seen better days!

Painted Keong - not my idea of a fun pet! I feel sorry for them...

Santai watching kids go around on the little train ride...

Putra in a crowd of thousands on Jl Kemang Raya

Cooking up 'Kerak Telur' - a delicious snack of egg and rice

So Indonesian! Let's smoke and ponder the big questions.... santai!

Enjoying the merry-go-round

Lucu banget!
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