Hello again! It’s been quiet here in the land of We Love Jakarta after the site was overtaken by little gremlins and spam, forcing the site to close down temporarily. The biggest thanks ever goes to my dear friend and travelling nomad, James Clark (www.nomadicnotes.com), for always coming to the rescue when I need help with my blog.. and once again he saved the day and got us back up and running… THANK YOU!
It seems to me that Jakarta has been getting super hot lately, so I thought it appropriate to post some pictures to help cool you down… or give you an idea of where to go to cool down at the very least. Once again these pictures were from around Ramadhan time when Jakarta was quiet and easy to get around..
The water park is quite big and most importantly, clean, and is beside Pondok Indah Mall (I think it was beside PIM 1, but my memory escapes me right now..). There are big yellow water slides with kids squealing as they come splashing and zooming down into the pool, another circular pool with swimming tubes for you to float along in, a little area for swimming with climbing equipment which is great for little kids, a huge lap pool, and a big wave pool which you can surf in if you’re game, and some sand to relax in and pretend you’re at the beach instead of a big crazy city. It costs around Rp 100,000 during weekdays and Rp 150,000 on weekends, and although it’s a little pricey, once again it is really clean and a fun place to cool down. They do have a food menu, but you also have the option to eat in one of the hundreds of cafes or food halls inside the mall.
Next time I will remember to pack my bathers so I don’t have to sit on the sidelines watching Samudra and his bapak have all the fun!
Hope all is beautiful for you too wherever in the world you are.