AIS Pejaten School Excursion to the Landfill Site in North Jakarta – Pt 2

Outside their home at the landfill site

Young boy enjoys his milk while playing at the site

Sweet young girl

At a local shop

AIS students on a tour of the site

Students prepare to sing a song in the school hall

Performing for the AIS students - very sweet...

Young boys select food from the donations

A young girl watches from the doorway

Answering questions at the quiz

AIS students and teachers with some of the local students and teachers

Young boy with his new bag, stationery and food donations

2 Responses to “AIS Pejaten School Excursion to the Landfill Site in North Jakarta – Pt 2”

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  1. Uf…….lot of nice foto in this blog.
    Children always are children…….
    Salam dari Barcelona.

    • welovejakarta says:

      Thanks so much Gildo! I really appreciate your messages and thanks so much for checking out the blog… you’re right, children are always children, and mostly smiling despite the circumstances most of them have to live in.. bless them.. and bless them for filling my days with happiness and making me feel blessed to meet them xx