What a day this was! After another early hotel breakfast pig out on waaaaay too much rice, we went to visit Edhi Sunarso so Putra could return his book and give him a copy of the short film he had made. I felt so honoured and privileged to meet such an incredibly talented man and have attached a copy of Putra’s documentary below so you can learn more about his life story. I took a walk around his new home where they are in the process of building a huge workshop and museum to house many of Edhi’s sculptures, some of which we had a sneak preview of, and I look forward to hopefully returning there once the museum is finished and opened in September this year. I don’t know why, but I wanted to cry with happiness after meeting him.
It was then time to visit the people Putra has been filming to say our goodbyes and it seems that time just flew by these past couple of days and it has been fun to meet lots of new people and catch up with good friends also. We took a becak to Jl. Marlioboro and raced through the markets as we were running out of time, before meeting up with kakek and nenek to eat at Loving Hut again (yah!) before the rain started and it was time for more flash floods!
Another 1 hour flight and we arrived back safely to Jakarta and spent the next 1 and a half hours getting back home in a taxi, then becoming a ridiculous paparazzi before Samudra went to sleep as he looked way too cute in a little Bonds outfit I found in the cupboard which he has been yet to wear.
I hope you also had a beautiful day wherever in the world you are.

Day 48: What an absolute honour to meet Edhi Sunarso this morning! Happiness.

Day 48: Some of Edhi’s early sculptures waiting for the museum to be finished. Happiness.
Edhi Sunarso, Pejuang from Mahatma Putra on Vimeo.

Day 48: Putra on Jl Marlioboro in the crazy heat! Happiness.

Day 48: Samudra with his kakek on Jl Dagen. Happiness.

Day 48: I love Jogja! Happiness.

Day 48: Home again in Jakarta and ready for bed. Happiness.

Day 48: We love you Samudra.. Thanks for spreading your happiness everywhere we go. Happiness.