Too Hot. Must Swim. Back to PIM Water Park

Sunday morning came and despite all my reminder notes to FINALLY get back to Car Free Day and do some outdoor exercise, I couldn’t budge Putra and Samudra and so decided to give it a miss yet again. Thankfully the rain stayed away and the sun was out so we headed to Pondok Indah Water Park for a swim and a cool down and loved it there as always. The price for entry is Rp. 150,000 per person on the weekend (Rp. 100,000 weekdays) and kids under 80cm are free (yah!). Treen came and met us and we spent a few hours splashing around in the kids pool, wave pool and olympic sized pool and it was so refreshing and a great way to spend a Sunday.  I haven’t been on a waterslide since I was a kid and it was fun going down with Samudra though I’m not sure he enjoyed it as much as me with water splashing all over him.

After working up an appetite we went inside Pondok Indah Mall and had a delicious meal of omelette with brie and spinach, and roasted potatoes, followed by a chocolate tart filled with nutella which was absolutely delicious. I can’t think of a better way to spend a lazy Sunday morning..

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Hanging with my fav boy

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Fun in the little kids pool

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Water slide fun