Playgroup at our house

I always feel so happy when we are able to join for playgroup as it means that Samudra gets to spend some time with his little buddies, and I get to meet and spend time with lovely mum friends here.  Every time I see a Facebook post of a new mum arriving in Jakarta and sounding a little lost, I write to them and ask them to come and join us sometime so they can meet some new friends.  I know the feeling of being a new mum in Jakarta and not knowing where to start and what to do, so I like to make people welcome so they know they’re not alone.  Once you make one friend, the circles here are so small that it’s easy to meet lots of parents with kids the same age as your own, and it’s always lovely to make new friends, especially as there is always a mass exodus of expats in the middle of every year and it’s like you have to start all over again..

We held the last Monday playgroup at our house which made me doubly happy as it meant I didn’t have to battle the traffic outside the complex, and Samudra got to play with and share his toys with his little buddies.  What better way to start a week than blowing bubbles, chatting, watching the kids play with sand and play on the slide and having fun..

If you’re looking for mum’s and babies or toddlers to meet up with, drop us a line and we’ll make sure to invite you to the next catch up.. the more the merrier!

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Beautiful Jasmine and Emma

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Emma playing with pebbles

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Jamie trying to catch bubbles

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Having fun on the slide

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Neil playing with sand

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Having fun outdoors

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Cuddles with ZZ

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Group shots are so tricky..

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Beautiful baby Maya