My Baby Turned THREE!

I remember back three years ago, sitting in the bedroom alone with Samudra screaming uncontrollably yet again, myself in tears, and thinking those days would never pass.  Everyone kept saying that they grow so quickly, that time goes way too fast, and to enjoy every moment while they’re babies as it doesn’t last long…. at that time I didn’t believe a word they were saying.

Fast forward three years… THREE YEARS.. and I’m wondering where those years went, it definately went far too quickly and my baby is already a little boy and off to school (playgroup).  Packing his gym uniform on Thursdays and I wonder where my little helpless baby went, already he’s talking so much, having so much fun playing with all his friends, and having loads of adventures with me.

I wasn’t planning on having a party, but then when I found out his bestie Yaya would be in town from Bangkok, I decided we needed to have a celebration and a chance for Samudra to play with all his friends at home as I haven’t hosted any play dates all year due to a crazy work schedule.

Every late afternoon that I possibly can, I take Samudra out through the side complex gate and out into the kampung where he has hundreds of friends wanting to play with him. They run around like crazy laughing and if we’re there on time, we jump onto the kereta mini with all the other local kids and mums and go for a ride around the narrow kampung streets, singing Indonesian songs and having fun.  As it’s Samudra’s favourite thing to do, I asked whether the kereta mini could actually come inside our complex to drive Samudra’s friends around for his birthday, so all his little friends could have a real Indonesian kids experience… and I’m glad I did! It was so much fun, even if it was incredibly hot going around the complex in the middle of the day.

We decorated the house with balloons and Lego banners that I quickly drew up, the house filled with great friends and beautiful kids and we had such an awesome (if not hectic!) morning at home celebrating.  I feel so incredibly blessed to have met so many lovely people here in Jakarta, many of whom I have been friends with since our kids were babies, and I am so happy to have each and every one of them in my life. I also feel blessed for the new friends that I have the opportunity to meet through the simple fact that we are all parents in Jakarta trying to figure out life in this crazy city.

I want to say a huge thank you to everyone that came and celebrated, and to those that couldn’t make it, thanks for being a part of the journey with us.  Life is definately filled with craziness once kids come into the equation, the tears, tantrums, sleepless nights, but also the amazing gift of love and belly laughs and exploring the world together. I love it and wouldn’t change a thing.

Happy Birthday my gorgeous little Samudra. Thanks for making sure that life is never dull and for filling my heart with a love I never knew was possible.

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THANK YOU for all the gorgeous birthday gifts!!

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Escaping for some quiet and cozy time in the ball pit. Love these two together so much.

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Kaka Iren is the first little friend to arrive

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The house is starting to fill up and Putra is into the beers!

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Loading up the Kereta Mini at home

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Singing along to Cicak Cicak di Dinding.. Happiness

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Mumu and Yaya reunited at last


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Bowo filming us riding around

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Cuddles for his bestie

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The second round of kids loading up for the ride

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Delicious cakes by Dita and Lego decorations by me

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The specially made Lego birthday cake

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Happy Birthday our beautiful boy

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Anais playing with Duplo

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Everyone’s gone so playing with his new animals

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Kaka Qheylla and Samudra whizzing around the loungeroom on a new bike in the evening

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Our attempt at a group photo!