What a seriously crazy year this has been.. so many adventures together, lots of travel to fun places and catching up with amazing friends and meeting some awesome new ones. Working long hours and feeling exhausted trying to juggle time between Samudra, domestic chores and time for myself (I still don’t know how to do this!), and now it’s Christmas time again already and almost the end of another year.

Christmas has always been such a magical time… being in Melbourne and celebrating Christmas Eve at a local pub with old school friends or in the super fun living room of my brothers in-laws with lots of friends, walking the streets to look at the Christmas lights and decorations, opening way too many presents left by Santa, feeling sick from indulging in delicious food and wine and the happiness of being around family.

Living in Jakarta, I always look forward to my annual trip home to celebrate.. to have random adventures and see my family, but this year it just wasn’t possible to make it. So I’ve tried to bring the magic of the season to Samudra by taking him to Christmas bazaars, school celebrations, to see the decorations in the malls and to make our annual trip to Plaza Senayan mall to see Santa. I’ve been going to Plaza Senayan since 2009 to sit on Santa’a knee and am so happy it’s the same man every year! It doesn’t really feel like Christmas until we’ve seen him.

Aside from the idea of gifts and celebrating, I’ve been trying to teach Samudra that we need to take care of those less fortunate also. We’ve given food to those that look hungry and money to those that need help and stopped to chat and laugh with people that look lonely. Everyone deserves a little magic in their lives and every little bit helps.

So today, on Christmas Day, I hope you all have the happiest of days wherever in the world you are and however you choose to celebrate. I hope your day and year ahead is filled with love, happiness and good health, that there is lots to smile about and many adventures awaiting you.

From my little family to you.. Merry Christmas and happy holidays xoxox

Samudra and Mumma at NIS Christmas Market Jakarta

A fuzzy one but our only Christmas photo together so far! At NIS Christmas Market. Merry Christmas everyone xox

Decorating Christmas star shaped biscuit

Samudra’s first attempt at decorating Christmas cookies

Green Love A'Fair Cookie Decorating

Second attempt at decorating Christmas cookies at Green Love A’Fair Christmas Bazaar

Infront of or Christmas tree at home. Finally Samudra is taller than it!

Infront of our Christmas tree at home. Finally Samudra is taller than it!

Santa at Plaza Senayan Jakarta

The annual visit to Santa at Plaza Senayan

Santa at Plaza Senayan Jakarta

Being a dinosaur with Santa!

Santa at Plaza Senayan

Samudra and Arlo visiting Santa together

One Response to “MERRY CHRISTMAS 2016”

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  1. Liz says:

    Merry Christmas!