Jakarta Fashion Week 2013_Day 7_LPM Graduates_Stephanus Hamy

This ended up being the last day that I was able to attend JFW 2013 due to schedule changes and other commitments I already had… but what a beautiful day and full of colour!  I LOVED these bold patterns and colours by Stephanus Hamy.. what a great way to start the day… gorgeous textiles that left me happy, although I got teary with happiness to watch him helped up to the stage at the end of the show without his wheelchair… amazing talent!

Stephanus Hamy

Stephanus Hamy

Stephanus Hamy

Stephanus Hamy

Stephanus Hamy

Stephanus Hamy helped to the catwalk by the models and made me teary.. what awesome talent!

Stephanus Hamy

Stephanus Hamy