My Baby Turned THREE!

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I remember back three years ago, sitting in the bedroom alone with Samudra screaming uncontrollably yet again, myself in tears, and thinking those days would never pass.  Everyone kept saying that they grow so quickly, that time goes way too fast, and to enjoy every moment while they’re babies as it doesn’t last long…. at […] Read more »

AIS Family Fun Day

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It’s Monday again and what a fun weekend we had catching up with friends, going to the zoo, getting spontaneous tattoos, celebrating the birthday of a super lovely friend and hanging out at AIS Family Fun Day.  After a lovely early afternoon eating cakes and hanging out with good friends, we packed the car full […] Read more »

Loving Kidspace in Pondok Indah

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Somehow half the year has already passed by and due to work commitments and most kids already going to preschool, both Samudra and I have been missing our regular catch ups with the Yummy Mummies.  Last month I finally had a day off so we arranged to meet at Kidspace in Pondok Indah for somewhere […] Read more »

Gojek Go-Video 2016 – Arang & Asa

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It’s so tricky for me to even contemplate regularly updating this blog as my days are filled with meetings and being on location on shoot days, and every spare minute I have is taken up with having adventures with Samudra.  This leaves very little time for updating about what we’ve been up to, and much […] Read more »

KidCity Transmart Cilandak

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Lately I’ve been stuck as to where to take Samudra in my spare time as I feel like I have exhausted so many places in the past two and a half years and I have been feeling in desperate need to see something new. At just the right moment, a message was posted on a […] Read more »

We Love Rachel House

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Sometimes life really does work in amazing ways, leading us down paths we wouldn’t usually follow and meeting people that really change the way we look at things.  A few years ago, I was contacted through this blog by the lovely Lynna at Rachel House and we met to try and find a way that […] Read more »